Muley is 30 years old on January 1st, but is still 6 years old. From comic strips in high school and newspaper publications, anthologies or his own publications, stage work as a star or emcee for events or shows, national television appearances or international newsletters or internet presences, or walk-around Muley mascot for charity events, Muley has done it all…except motion pictures which would be fun to see in some capacity. So, happy birthday to my favorite little ass!
Well, here we are, on the cusp of a new year with prospects of changing for the better. Not sure how much different 2010 will be. If you’re Mayan, we’re two years away from destruction. If you’re Russian, we’re 20 years away from the planet being smacked by an asteroid. If you’re American, you’re praying for peace in a war-torn world and, if you’re like me, you’re also broke, both physically and financially. So, what’s there to look forward to? More time.
I hope everyone takes time to be with your friends and family. You should call folks you can’t be with as soon as possible. If you’ve been offended, forgive; and pray that you are forgiven—it doesn’t have to be spoken because you’ll know when it happens. Love more, judge less: it’s so hard nowadays to discern good people from bad, but by loving others we can maybe start a “change reaction.” I created that term (or think I did) as a way to describe that sometimes it takes one person to do something positive and inspirational to influence others to do the same. Soon, your chain reaction reinforces a good change in the world.
Volunteer more—or for the first time—and share a little of your love to make life easier for someone else. Lots of people need extra care: kids that are sick and need a story-time reader, kids from bad neighborhoods who need someone to care about them, poverty stricken folks who need help carrying their charity food from the church to home and more.
Life is short, and the time we’re given flies by. I hope you are able to balance your time to give your attention to those around you who you know or not, and hope that others will show you the same courtesy.

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