We are proud to announce the pre-production work for a television show for Muley the Mule and Friends, based loosely on the comic strips and featuring the puppet versions of the 6-year-old characters in new adventures that, if you pay close attention, might teach you something. The program will be directed at families, using stories and entertainment to bring everyone together to laugh, cry, learn, and connect with one another.
There are also plans to do a Christian-based version of the show for a Christian-themed television network as well.
I am interested in participating with the show. How can I help?
Writers, puppet builders, set designers and construction, costumers, etc., should e-mail all their contact information including a PDF and photos of their work to
muleytmule@hotmail.com. Be sure to list "Muley and Friends Show" in the subject line so the e-mail does not get deleted.
Additional information follows the poster. Please feel free to copy and paste the poster which follows.
Auditions will be held April 14, 2013, at First Congregational Church, 1000 S. Cooper St., Memphis, TN 38104.
We are looking for all ethnicities and ages of male and female adults and children to perform recurring human roles on the show as supporting cast to the puppets, as well as puppeteers ages 18+. Some of the human characters will make one-time appearances, most of the kids on the show may not have speaking roles and be there to compliment the characters while other kids will have speaking roles. The puppeteers will be expected to be "on hand" to support the lead performers as well as handle background puppet characters and in some cases help develop new characters.
I am interested in auditioning, what do I need to do first?
The best first thing is to get to know the characters. You can read all their biographies by
clicking here. You can also see videos by
clicking here.
Next, we want to get to know you a little in advance. Please put "Muley and Friends Show" in the subject line of an e-mail to
muleytmule@hotmail.com letting us know you are interested with your headshot, performance resume, links to any video performance you may have online, and let us know if you are auditioning for a human role or puppeteering role on the show.
What do I need to expect when I come to the audition?
The person auditioning will check-in (print his/her name on the evaluation form, get his/her photo taken, and wait to be called in). We are going to video record all auditions, so you may wish to have a prepared monologue or song, but expect after your introduction and presentation to perform with Muley and his friends. The auditioning puppeteers will have the same process; but, will mostly have his/her hands in the air for a bit of time to see how the puppetry will be performed. Auditioning puppeteers are invited to bring along their own puppets for the audition*, and we will also have a pair of "eyes" the auditioner can use for the event.
Scripts for the auditions are below the character charts.
As a review of skill, puppeteers will be asked to recite the alphabet, zero through 10, and some names before working with Muley and friends. All auditioners will have some improv with Muley and friends to test how natural he/she can be with the characters.
Information that will be requested on your Evaluation Form:
Name, Address, E-mail Address, Phone Number, Age/Date of Birth, Hair Color, Eye Color.
Performers will be evaluated based on:
Look for the show, actions, facial expressions, interactions with actors/puppets, believability, preparation, voice tone.
In the meantime, to understand the characters better, here is a character chart and our "Secrets of Puppetry" handout. These can be right-click/saved to your computer to see the full-sized images.
You can learn more about the characters from this character chart. |
This hand-out will be a good reference for
those wishing to audition for puppeteering roles. |
*Don't have your own puppet yet? You can make one using a pattern from
http://www.projectpuppet.com and can find plenty over the internet (usually on ebay).
The performances and participation for the show will be on a volunteer basis at this time (no budget yet). The audition video will be property of Kevin L. Williams Productions.