Sunday, April 5, 2020

Muley Reads: Litterbugs Come In Every Size

For Earth Day, we chose to read one of our very favorite books: Litterbugs Come in Every Size!  Are YOU a litterbug?  Or, do you take care of the planet?

Lots of people don't even think about it, but when I have trash - big or small - I hold on to it until I get to a trashcan.  I've seen people riding down the road throwing out all sorts of things from their windows, including a box of bones (YUCK!).  You know, you'll be home soon with a trashcan to put that in.

I also pick up trash from the street, sidewalk, ground.  It makes everything nice, clean, and comfortable.  Be sure to do your part also!

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Muley the Mule assisted by Kevin L. Williams
Music is Crazy Chicken by David Fesliyan.

Muley Reads is a series of videos starring Muley the Mule reading some of his favorite books - and we hope some of yours - wishing to inspire a love of reading, learning, imagining, and creation in children of all ages!  And, as always, we love the books that communicate about people, animals, environment, love, and friendship.  Some of Muley's special friends may even pop in to request a book.

"Reading is fundamental!"  Books add the fun, Muley adds "da mental!"

Grab your family together, grab a snack or two, and sit back to relax while Muley Reads!!

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