Saturday, March 28, 2020

Muley's Kids Message "Ask, Search, Knock" - 3/29/2020

Because we usually do a little something for the kids at church, we want to bring a new little something with a positive message and hope.  You can currently watch First Congo online by visiting

Eye Laugh by David_Renda -

If you don't mind sharing a little love, you can send a donation by clicking here.

Likewise, First Congo is sharing meals and food with many, many needy people and need your help.  Please CLICK HERE.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Muley's Kids Message "Support" - 3/22/2020

We typically do a message for the kids and their grown-ups about once a month.  Today, we add a new one since so many are going to be stuck in their houses.  Also, you can normally catch a service at First Congo at 10:30 am on a Sunday Morning.  This Sunday, March 22, 2020, they will be streaming live at  Be sure to check it out, especially if you thought about going but weren't sure if you wanted to go in person.  Lots of nice people there.

"Support is made up of 2 syllables, and for only two syllables SUPPORT carries a LOT of weight!"

Who do you surround yourself with?  Those who bring you joy and build you up; or, those who suck the energy right out of you?  If someone isn't good for you, you know it - and it is perfectly okay to walk away from those individuals.

Take care of yourself first, because you can't help others until you help yourself.

In crazy times, look to those who support you and be sure you give them support.

Speaking of SUPPORT:
If you don't mind $HARING $OME LOVE, please DONATE HERE.

Eye Laugh by David_Renda -

World Puppetry Day March 21, 2020

For world puppetry day, Muley plays with my very first puppet that I ever made, Chester, who was part of the original comics and puppetry cast of characters.  I couldn't ever make a proper personality for the character, so I retired him.

(Secret inside note: Chester is the name of the man that one of my friends' mom cheated on her husband with, and I happened to just like the name which upset my friend who was afraid her father, a drunk, would find out the connection; but, I kept the name.)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Muley's Kids Message "Plenty" - 3/15/2020

First Congo was closed today (and next Sunday, 3/21) due to the corona-virus, or better known as COVID-19.  Since there was no church to be had, Muley DID share a quick message for the kids today.  Why?  Just because.  And, there's a little something in there for adults, too.

Looking forward to when we can be together again!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Muley Messages Schedule Spring 2020

Please note:  Due to COVID-19 (Corona virus), the church schedule is all mixed up.  You can watch video presentations at

Want to know when Muley is speaking at First Congo, 1000 S Cooper Street, Memphis, TN?  Services start at 10:30 AM.   Here you go:

April 12
May 10
June 14

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Lenten Season "Kids Congo" Ads for 3/1 - 4/12 2020

Steve Garcia, leader of the children's ministries at First Congo, and Muley the Mule visited to advertise the Lenten Season events for the kids.

In the following weeks, we'll share the videos shown during the morning classes.

Here are the ads that have run in the past few weeks.  If you'd like to join the classes over the next few Sundays, they start at 9:30 am at 1000 S Cooper Street, Memphis, TN.

Ad 1

Ad 2

Ad 3

Ad 4

Ad 5

We need to get a camera with monitors so we can see what we're doing with the puppets!  What do you suggest for a camera and monitors?