Saturday, February 25, 2012

Meeting Jimmy Johnson: The Cartoonist

I'm driving home when my friend Jim Palmer calls me up to tell me that cartoonist Jimmy Johnson (not the NASCAR driver!) is goinig to be in town at the Booksellers of Laurelwood signing his new book, Beaucoup Arlo & Janis.  I'm also glad that John Beifuss did an article about the signing or we wouldn't have known!  You'll remember John from the "Sivads of March" event a few years back when Muley tried to do a "Mule on the Street," but was taken over by a Sivad-Wanna-Be.

My buddy, DaMarco Randle, and I get there early today and meet up with Jim, Greg and Paula Cravens, and Andrew Chandler.  DaMarco snaps some pictures of the event.  Lots of questions were asked and lots of very funny answers were given. 

We know that Jimmy likes the "old style" of cartooning and doesn't do anything in the computer, reads comics in print and on the web, in inspired by the readers, and answering the question, "How do you capture such teenage boy personality in Gene?" that he, too, was once a teenage boy.

As I'm leaving behind the position of Mid-South Cartoonists Association President, it was nice to go meet Jimmy because he was one of the original members of the MSCA.  That would be in the 1980's or early 1990's. 

So, enough of my rambling, here are photos to enjoy!

Jim Palmer (the cartoonist, not the baseball player) strikes a
striking pose at the Booksellers of Laurelwood.  Look at the
crowd gathering behind him!

Me with my usual goofy pose holding up an awesome book!

Jimmy Johnson explaining that he hopes we don't expect him to be funny.

So, I hold the camera up and take a shot of all three of us. There
seems to be too many chins under my head, and I don't know what
Andrew was looking at; but, this was funny to do.

Somehow, when signing time came, we ended up
way at the back of the line...and that wasn't the
end of it, either.  The line went further toward the
front of the store and around the music section.

Letting Jimmy know that the MSCA is still around
and going strong and that we hope he'll be able
to come down and visit sometime.  I'm laughing
because he signed my book "To President Kevin,
Hail to the Chief!"  HA HA!  Usually folks write,
"Chief, go to..." well, you get the rest...

A rather handsome bunch, I'd say: (Back) Me with Jim Palmer;
(Front) Andrew Chandler, Greg Cravens and Jimmy Johnson.

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